Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wild planet

Hey, did you know I am going to work at wild planet? this is an adventure. Is your co-op going to be arduous? intimidating? boring even? Well after you read this e-mail correspondence I had with my soon-to-be boss I think it will eradicate any apprehension you may have about YOUR internship:


To prepare, you might watch some episodes of Fringe, a couple zombie movies, and visit your local Kid Robot/boutique toy store. And look at Makita power tools. That’s about as vague as I can get before you sign an NDA.



But in all seriousness, I have only been out west once, and it was los angeles for a week. so literally, this is adventure city, population me. I've always thought of myself as a new englander down to my bones, but everyone says san francisco rocks, so, i guess it is time for lily damota to find out for herself EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON IN SAN FRANCISCO.

mono e mono, lily v. san fran.

I'll let you know. 

people drawing

Yeah, I've been doing it. Overall I'm trying to make more of an effort to integrate my more-illustrative hand into my design projects. I think it is definitely a strength for me, and I need to showcase it as much as possible. Also, duh, I love illustration and it very well may be what I end up doing, or atleast hopefully be integrate with it, and uh, and no matter what, it never hurts to get better at things, NOW DOES IT???

So, I've been people-ing more. Here are some recent guys. One girl is a 3d-glasses wearer, the other two girls are target users for my shoe design, the fourth is a random-doodle guy :).


Image Boards

At first I didn't like the style of the image-boards in the way they were taught. They seemed very aerospostale-graphic t-shirt to me, which sure, is fine for some people. but just isn't really my style. so it was hard for me to get excited about them at first. I enjoy working in collagey-2d type ways. 

In the end I found peace with the imageboards. Here, I can show you as they get go from being mediocre to progressively better. (I should maybe tell you I cheated on the dutch design one... which i re-did today... but, trust me, it was formerly mediocre. just go ahead and imagine it 1/8 as interesting and flat as hell ad you are there.) The last one I spent way to much time on and it almost became a frigging digital painting. I'm not sure if that is good or just crazy. Here they are:


Looking back at old work

Wow, isn't it funny how things look so terrible just months after you thought they were cool? What is that. I guess people are all just narcissists and we like to think we are doing this amazing job, but in reality most of the time we are still pretty sub-par and just too blinded by our own self-love to see it.

Anyway I don't like that shoe I posted up here a few months ago, like. I find it embarrassing almost. I think that is kind of why I never got into blogging. I can be pretty self-critical and if i dont think something is really great i really down just want to spew it out into inter-space, ya know?

But maybe it is my destiny to be blog-famous. I used to get pretty into live-journal when I was like 16, but... I don't know, I told fun stories.

I definitely have gotten a lot more comfortable this year in sharing my work, both drawing wise and presentation. This is a good thing. I will prove this in the following eighteen posts.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

shoe class submission

this was my effort to get into the shoe studio, somewhat wack, but worked it out pretty fast. starting to get the first years style down more. i passed the 'overlay test' per patrick thailkill and now i will redo one of my projects for my portfolio, more to come!

recent sketches