i've been doing a decent amount of illustration work in illustrator, too. which is somewhat unrelated to developing ID skills directly, but fulfilling and a skill i am happy to improve on none-the-less.... seems important to continue to build the professional relationship with the woman who has been giving me the work, even if causes some slack in school now and then.
Still getting things done, anyhow. other goals included improving sketching and rendering... pretty happy with the new techniques learned in roller's class and can definitely see myself using them in the future.. as for the sketching i am now trying to work in pen and marker which has been kind of a difficult adjustment since ive always just worked in pencil... i see progress, however.
Always wish i was investing more time into all my work, I might be getting a little better at this.
New Goals:
- Win housewares contest
- Change world with innovative beehive
- in spare time redo info graphic and then a new concept for your lame pen.